Our Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment Program

Shyness is not necessarily a cause for concern, as some people are just more extroverted than others. However, when feelings of shyness escalate into intense fear or anxiety about social interactions, it may indicate the presence of social anxiety disorder (SAD). At Diamond Behavioral Health, our social anxiety disorder treatment program is designed to address the multifaceted nature of this condition and its potential consequences if left untreated. By providing personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s unique needs and goals, we strive to equip our clients with the skills and resources necessary to effectively manage their anxiety, cultivate confidence in social situations, and foster meaningful connections with others. 

Am I Just Shy, or Do I Have Social Anxiety?

In social settings, especially when meeting new people or speaking in front of a group, many people feel anxious or uncomfortable. However, distinguishing between regular shyness and social anxiety disorder (SAD) can be difficult. While social anxiety disorder is characterized by severe dread or anxiety about interactions with others, which frequently results in avoidance behaviors and significant pain in daily life, shyness is a common personality trait that is characterized by transient discomfort or reluctance in social situations.

Symptoms of shyness vs. social anxiety disorder include:


  • Mild discomfort or nervousness in social situations.
  • Tendency to avoid unfamiliar social interactions but able to engage when necessary.
  • Occasional blushing, sweating, or trembling in social situations.
  • Limited impact on daily functioning and relationships.


Social Anxiety Disorder

  • Intense fear or anxiety about social interactions, often disproportionate to the situation.
  • Persistent avoidance of social situations or extreme discomfort when facing them.
  • Physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, nausea, sweating, or trembling.
  • Negative self-talk or excessive worry about being judged or embarrassed.
  • Interference with daily activities, relationships, and academic or occupational performance.


Understanding the differences between shyness and social anxiety disorder can empower individuals to seek appropriate help and support, leading to greater confidence and fulfillment in social situations. If you suspect that you may be experiencing social anxiety, remember that you are not alone, and our Palm Beach County mental health services are available to help you navigate and overcome these challenges. Call us at (844) 525-2899 to learn more about these programs.

What Happens If Social Anxiety Is Left Untreated?

If not addressed, social anxiety disorder can severely disrupt many elements of a person’s life, resulting in considerable psychological distress and functional limitations. The persistence of avoidance behaviors is one of the main effects of untreated social anxiety. Individuals with SAD frequently go to great lengths to avoid social settings that cause them discomfort, resulting in missed opportunities for personal and professional development. Avoidance can result in social isolation, which, over time, can exacerbate depressive and lonely feelings. Untreated social anxiety can also make it difficult for a person to succeed academically and professionally since they may find it difficult to speak up in meetings, join in group activities, or attend networking events.

Comorbid mental health disorders can also arise as a result of untreated social anxiety. Studies show that people with social anxiety disorder (SAD) are more likely to experience depression, substance addiction, and other anxiety disorders.1 If these co-occurring illnesses are not treated, they may exacerbate the person’s psychological distress and functional impairment. Chronic stress brought on by untreated social anxiety can also negatively impact one’s physical health, increasing the risk of digestive issues, immunological system failure, and cardiovascular disease. Overall, if social anxiety disorder is not addressed with the right interventions and support, it can have serious and long-lasting effects on a person’s well-being. This is when the use of grounding exercises and other techniques is crucial.


  1. NCBI – Social Anxiety Disorder
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Rely on Our Anxiety Treatment Centers in Florida

Our behavioral health center offers tailored support, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for social anxiety disorder. Whether you’re seeking individual therapy or group sessions, our compassionate team is here to guide you. Contact us to learn more, or explore our blog for valuable insights and resources. You deserve a life free from social anxiety, and we’re here to help you achieve it.