Our EMDR Mental Health Therapy Program

Since its creation by Francine Shapiro, EMDR has become well-known for its efficacy in treating trauma and associated mental health issues. This cutting-edge therapy method offered by Diamond Behavioral Health is available to our patients to give them another tool on their belt in the journey of recovery. Whether you need support for a mental illness you are struggling with or are seeking it out for a loved one, our EMDR mental health therapy program is an excellent option. Read on to learn more about this fascinating offering.

What Is EMDR and How Does It Work?

Francine Shapiro created the psychotherapy technique known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) in the late 1980s. Initially created to address PTSD, EMDR has since been used to treat several other mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and phobias. The basic idea of EMDR is that by using an eight-phase organized treatment strategy, traumatic memories that cause discomfort can be processed and incorporated more adaptively.

The phases of EMDR include:

  1. History-taking and treatment planning: The therapist gathers information about the client’s history and formulates a treatment plan.
  2. Preparation: Establishing a therapeutic alliance and introducing stress-reduction techniques to ensure the client can handle emotional distress during processing.
  3. Assessment: Identifying target memories or events for processing.
  4. Desensitization: Using bilateral stimulation (typically eye movements) to facilitate processing distressing memories. This phase aims to reduce the emotional charge associated with traumatic memories by helping them to become desensitized to it.
  5. Installation: Focusing on positive beliefs and self-esteem to strengthen the individual’s ability to cope with stress.
  6. Body scan: Ensuring that any residual physical tension or discomfort is addressed.
  7. Closure: Bringing the session to a close, ensuring the client is stable.
  8. Reevaluation: Reviewing progress and addressing any remaining issues.

Each of the EMDR phases serves a unique purpose intended to improve the mental health of the individual receiving it. For instance, in the desensitization phase, the client is guided by the therapist to recollect upsetting memories while receiving bilateral stimulation at the same time. This can entail having tactile stimulation, listening to alternating audio tones, or having the patient follow the therapist’s finger motions with their eyes. Advocates contend that the brain processes traumatic memories more adaptively thanks to bilateral stimulation, which lessens emotional discomfort and trauma-related symptoms. The precise mechanism of action is not fully understood.

EMDR is praised for its effectiveness and efficiency in helping individuals overcome the impact of trauma. As research continues, the approach is being adapted and integrated into the treatment of various psychological disorders, expanding its scope beyond its initial focus on PTSD.

Can I Do EMDR by Myself?

It is not advised to use Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) without the supervision of a licensed therapist. Using certain protocols and strategies, EMDR is an organized and sophisticated therapy method that addresses traumatic memories and events. Although self-help materials are accessible, trying to practice EMDR alone may not have the necessary professional guidance from a registered therapist. Because trauma processing is complex and can elicit strong emotional reactions, seeking professional help is essential to ensuring a safe and productive therapeutic process.

At Diamond Behavioral Health, our trained EMDR therapists possess the knowledge and expertise required to navigate the complexities of the EMDR process. They are equipped to create a supportive and secure environment, tailor the treatment to individual needs, and effectively guide clients through the various phases of EMDR. Attempting to perform EMDR without proper training may lead to unintended consequences, and it is advisable to seek the assistance of qualified professionals who can ensure the therapy is conducted in a manner that promotes healing and minimizes potential risks.

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Learn More About Our Available Therapy Options

If you think that our EMDR mental health therapy program could be beneficial, that is only the tip of the iceberg. We offer various types of therapies to help you or your loved one learn how to manage whatever mental illness you may be struggling with. Rely on us to give you the support you need to succeed. Contact us to learn more information.